
Saturday 3 January 2015

A little thought

Been a while since  I wrote here. It is not that I have not being writing elsewhere. I try to do it everyday in a little diary I keep.

Writing makes things clear. As a boy growing up I have always found writing out my thoughts  makes things clearer. I just wrote whatever was in my head. The grammar was a lot more screwed up then it is today but it was therapeutic. It still is.

So here we are. In a brand new year. All fired up, yes? Good. Then this might be a good time to think about this: Are we living the live we are meant to live? Are we doing our best everyday or are we just getting by? Going about our lives in a daze. Getting caught up with materialism. Being distracted by everything and everyone.

Think hard about this. Take your time, don't rush. Look at yourself and answer honestly whether you are living the life you are meant to live. Is this your life or is it designed by Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger? Is it your script or is the storyline of the glam magazine you have been reading? Are you trying to keep up with Joneses and losing your direction?

Today is as good as any day to give a little thought on this and start changing your life bit by bitand start living it as you want it.

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