
Wednesday 6 September 2017

Thoughts on Being a Leader

Part of being a leader is giving back. I am not talking about material things, althought that is also important. I am referring to those things that you simply cannot put a value.

Good habits. Accountability. Integrity. Honesty.

The people you lead, will learn from you. They are always observing you. You are on the stage every day even if you are not aware.

If they see you doing good, they will learn.

Lead by example.

You must  take time and put in the effort to develop future leaders. This what sets you apart from just being a good leader to being a great leader.

Monday 4 September 2017

Pyramid Schemes

The promise of large returns.

That is what attracts people when they hear others, usually their family members, neighbours, friends or colleagues talking about a pyramid schemes. Of course, it is never called pyramid scheme. It is often disguised as multi-level marketing and it usually promotes goods of questionable quality.
The promoters of pyramid schemes make their money by having others join the scheme. The large membership fees and other payments are the source of income and when the scheme collapses, those who are the bottom or near bottom are the ones that suffer financially as well as a myriad of negative emotion that usually accompanies it.

You should be on alert when;

  • You are offered a chance to join a group that involves large upfront fees and recruiting others.
  • The scheme involves overpriced goods or services with questionable quality
  • The promoter makes claims that it is not a pyramid scheme.
  • The discussion is always about money and very little is mentioned about the product.

Sometimes the people you trust may be promoting these schemes without knowing any better. Do not be pressured to join.

Pyramid schemes are illegal almost anywhere in the world, not only to promote it but to participate in one.