
Sunday 5 April 2015

How To Control Your Expenditures

Your finances are in a mess. You feel you have no control on your expenditures. Everything is so expensive and you are in the verge of giving up hope of ever building the dream house of yours.

I am not going to tell you that by reading this entry you are going to solve all your money problems. I am just going to share one simple tip that can help you control your expenditures

Write down daily where you are spending your money.

I have been doing this for 3 months now and this makes me conscious of where I am spending my money. I keep my receipts for the day and the next morning I jot down my expenditures for the previous day. This makes aware that I have spend a certain amount of money yesterday and acts as I reminder for the day to keep my spending within a certain amount. At the end of the week I total up the week's spending.

By doing this, I know exactly how much I spend on each item. And at the end of the month I know how much I have spent and where I have spent my money.

By writing down my expenditures I am aware where I can cut down and this helps me to save.

It takes a bit of discipline to this everyday, but don't lose heart if you skip a day or two - just remember to write it down the next day.

I chose mornings to do this, but you can do this any time of the day. Pick your own convenient time, just remember to total up every week and every month.

Try this and tell me.

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