
Sunday 11 December 2011

What Sets The Successful Apart?

Often I ask myself this question: Why some people are more successful than others? The answer has always been the same.

Successful people do things that others just don't want to do.

They do more than what is asked of them. They are willing to endure more. They keep going, keep getting up after each knock.

No matter what it is, be it academics, sports or business; the one that stands out is usually if not always, the one that has done more than others.

To do more, you will have to fight fatigue. You will have to ignore the whisper in your head telling you that you have done enough, and a million other things.

To do more you must be willing to give up that Wednesday night pool, Saturday afternoon football ( or soccer as you called in the US) and other activities that gives you pleasure but keeps you trapped in mediocrity.

To do more, is to wage a war on yourself and to never cease battle until you have tasted victory.

One of the greatest sportsmen ever, Edwin Moses, who went unbeaten from 1977 to 1987 in the 400 metre hurdles, a remarkable feat that will certainly will be repeated again, had this to say when asked how he kept winning: " I always had to keep improving my skills in order to remain competitive and keep winning"

Note the word "always" in the quote. Even when he was way ahead of his rivals, Edwin Moses never stopped improving himself.

Being successful demands a certain type of character from you and that is courage. The courage to do more than others. The courage to say no to all that gives you instant gratification. The courage to take it on the chin and keep going on.

If you are serious about being successful, you must be willing to do more than others.

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